Teladoc | Prevent and Delay Diabetes
Diabetes Is Primary Module 2 Resource List
Diabetes Is Primary Module 2 Resource List
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Module 2 of the document provides resources for preventing and delaying diabetes, with handouts for both providers and patients. The provider handouts include information on lifestyle change programs, diabetes risk tests, and nutrition guidance. Patient handouts cover topics such as exercise, nutrition, managing diabetes day-to-day, and understanding prediabetes. Online links are provided for additional resources like the ADA's Diabetes Risk Test, standards of care in diabetes, and finding diabetes education programs. There are also links for specific programs related to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, weight management, healthy eating habits, and genetics of diabetes. These resources aim to educate both providers and patients on ways to prevent and manage diabetes through lifestyle changes and proper nutrition.
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Access all links and downloadable resources provided in this module.
preventing diabetes
delaying diabetes
provider resources
patient resources
lifestyle change programs
diabetes risk tests
nutrition guidance
managing diabetes
American Diabetes Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22202
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