Teladoc | Insulin Management and Strategies
Diabetes Is Primary Module 4 Resource List
Diabetes Is Primary Module 4 Resource List
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Module 4 of the resource materials provides a comprehensive guide on insulin management and strategies for healthcare providers and patients. The module includes downloadable provider handouts covering topics such as insulin characteristics, cost of insulin products, injectable therapies algorithm, hypoglycemia questionnaires, insulin bolus calculations, and more. For patients, handouts like "Take Your Best Shot," "T1D Self Care Manual," and "DSMES" are available. Online resources include links to standards of care in diabetes, mental health toolkits, ADA consumer guides, insulin affordability resources, and additional educational courses. Healthcare providers can access information on pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment, diabetes technology, and community health worker diabetes education programs. Patient links provide information on hypoglycemia and insulin affordability. This module aims to equip both providers and patients with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively manage insulin therapy and optimize diabetes care.
Asset Caption
Access all links and downloadable resources provided in this module.
insulin management
healthcare providers
patient handouts
injectable therapies
hypoglycemia questionnaires
insulin bolus calculations
diabetes resources
pharmacologic approaches
diabetes technology
insulin affordability
American Diabetes Association 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22202
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